Nokia took over the mobile-phone market in its early stages. It completely blasted away all competitors in mostly Asia and Europe but found it hard to clinch American buyers.

Nokia's market in Pakistan was and still somewhat is at its peak. around 2007- 2008 90% of the people had Nokia phones, being cheap, useful and well made the Pakistani industry was flooded with Nokia. The end of 2008 saw Pakistani markets being invaded with imported Android and iOS phones. These phones, being imported from the USA attracted every person interest and slowly that 90% of Nokia's market now came down to 50%. Nokia started to have trouble competing with smart-phone manufacturers like HTC, Samsung... now using Android, but their biggest threat was Apple who introduced their first phone in 2007. Nokia tried to compete by bringing out phones in the "N series" but still were unable to attract buyers. The same attack happen to Nokia in Europe where they now had less customers. After a lot of research they concluded that it was their software "Symbian" that was making them lose their buyers, their hardware was the only winning argument for the people who now bought Nokia phones. Nokia's Pakistani market was still strong and steady but they feared future loss. They now had to do something because in 2010 they saw their Pakistani customers decline as now only people who could not afford smart-phones or did not like cheap and unreliable phones from China bought Nokia phones. In 2011 they signed a deal with Microsoft for their Windows 7 software to be run on their hardware. WP7 was a new software but it was reliable, Nokia realising the opportunity, agreed. They are still to release a WP7 but work is going on as this could be the only chance to get back some of the market and try to get American buyers interested.

Nokia's market in Pakistan was and still somewhat is at its peak. around 2007- 2008 90% of the people had Nokia phones, being cheap, useful and well made the Pakistani industry was flooded with Nokia. The end of 2008 saw Pakistani markets being invaded with imported Android and iOS phones. These phones, being imported from the USA attracted every person interest and slowly that 90% of Nokia's market now came down to 50%. Nokia started to have trouble competing with smart-phone manufacturers like HTC, Samsung... now using Android, but their biggest threat was Apple who introduced their first phone in 2007. Nokia tried to compete by bringing out phones in the "N series" but still were unable to attract buyers. The same attack happen to Nokia in Europe where they now had less customers. After a lot of research they concluded that it was their software "Symbian" that was making them lose their buyers, their hardware was the only winning argument for the people who now bought Nokia phones. Nokia's Pakistani market was still strong and steady but they feared future loss. They now had to do something because in 2010 they saw their Pakistani customers decline as now only people who could not afford smart-phones or did not like cheap and unreliable phones from China bought Nokia phones. In 2011 they signed a deal with Microsoft for their Windows 7 software to be run on their hardware. WP7 was a new software but it was reliable, Nokia realising the opportunity, agreed. They are still to release a WP7 but work is going on as this could be the only chance to get back some of the market and try to get American buyers interested.
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